Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Employment-Related Relief Programs
Job Assistance and Job Training for Dislocated Workers
WorkSource provides job search assistance and job training to assist individuals re-enter the work force. » more information -
Water Disconnections Suspended
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Savannah has temporarily suspended water utility disconnections until the City starts Phase 4 of its Safer Services Reopening Plan. This temporary measure does not relieve customers of the obligation … » more information -
Family Leave Law
Hawaii’s existing Family Leave Law program provides 4 workweeks of leave to take care of a family member because of a serious health condition, which the DLIR has stated may include illness or quarantine associated with COVID-19. » more information -
Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI)
Under Hawaii’s existing TDI program, workers may be eligible for up to 26 weeks of TDI, including to cover absences caused by COVID-19 illness or quarantine. » more information -
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Unemployed workers affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for benefits under already-existing Hawaii unemployment insurance, which provides temporary income for workers who are totally or partially unemployed through no fault of their own and who are … » more information -
Workers’ Compensation
Under Hawaii’s existing Workers’ Compensation program, workers may be eligible for payments to cover absences caused by COVID-19 illness or quarantine which results from work or working conditions. » more information -
Unemployment Assistance
Unemployment insurance is a program for workers unemployed through no fault of their own. Unemployment benefits may be available to some individuals whose unemployment is attributable to COVID-19, subject to guidance from the Idaho Department of … » more information -
“Get Hired” Website & Employment Resources
In light of the spread of COVID-19, the Illinois state government has launched Get Hired IL, a website designed to connect workers with available job and career training opportunities across the state. Beginning in June, Illinois residents will also … » more information -
Executive Order No. 2020-04 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 2: Suspension of Service Requirement for Sick Leave Advancement
In light of COVID-19, the Illinois Governor has suspended the two-year continuous service requirement for state employees to receive advancement of sick leave. » more information -
FAQ for Employee Sick Leave Act
Provides answers to frequently asked questions about the Employee Sick Leave Act, which requires employers to allow employees to use at least a portion of sick leave time already available to them to care for certain relatives. The Employee Sick … » more information