In litigations and investigations, e-discovery is a critical component of strategy and fact development. Businesses that give it short shrift do so at their peril. Paul, Weiss has achieved a reputation for unparalleled excellence in litigation and investigations; our e-discovery efforts are an integral part of this success.
Federal E-Discovery: Court Rejects Unilateral Responsiveness Redaction of Text Messages
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “Court Rejects Unilateral Responsiveness Redaction of Text Messages,” appeared in the February 3 issue of the New York Law Journal.
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Federal E-Discovery: Ninth Circuit Rules on Inherent Authority and FRCP 37(e)
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “Ninth Circuit Rules on Inherent Authority and FRCP 37(e),” appeared in the December 3 issue of the New York Law Journal.
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Federal E-Discovery: Court Allocates Costs for Data Security in Discovery
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “Court Allocates Costs for Data Security in Discovery,” appeared in the October 1 issue of the New York Law Journal.
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Federal E-Discovery: In Absence of a 502(d) Order, Court Finds Waiver of Privilege
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “In Absence of a 502(d) Order, Court Finds Waiver of Privilege,” appeared in the August 6 issue of the New York Law Journal.
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Ross Gotler and Judge Robert Dow Present on Civil Rules Amendments at Sedona Conference Annual Meeting
Deputy Chair and Counsel, E-Discovery Ross Gotler led a discussion on October 27 with U.S. District Court Judge Robert M. Dow Jr. at the annual meeting of The Sedona Conference in Philadelphia on the status of proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
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Chris Boehning and Ross Gotler Speak at The Sedona Conference
Litigation partner Chris Boehning and e-discovery counsel Ross Gotler participated in The Sedona Conference’s mid-year meeting, which reviewed draft commentaries and held panels on leading-edge discovery issues.
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U.S. Regulators Increase Enforcement Relating to Chat and Text Communications, Including on Personal Devices
Workers have been increasing their business use of text messaging and chat applications—especially given current trends toward remote and hybrid work environments.
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Ross Gotler and Josh Zylbershlag Named 2022 AI Visionaries
E-discovery counsel Ross Gotler and director of e-discovery services Josh Zylbershlag were named to Relativity’s first annual list of “AI Visionaries.”
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Federal E-Discovery: Embracing Proportionality, Court Refuses To Compel Discovery ‘Based on Relevance Alone’
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “Embracing Proportionality, Court Refuses To Compel Discovery ‘Based on Relevance Alone,’” appeared in the August 3 issue of the New York Law Journal.
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Federal E-Discovery: Hyperlinks Are Not Attachments, Court Finds
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “Hyperlinks Are Not Attachments, Court Finds,” appeared in the June 1 issue of the New York Law Journal.
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Federal E-Discovery: Court Denies Request To Compel Discovery of Slack Messages
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “Court Denies Request To Compel Discovery of Slack Messages,” appeared in the New York Law Journal.
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CJEU Invalidates EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Decision; Finds SCCs Valid, Emphasizing Need For Case-by-Case Scrutiny
The Court of Justice of the European Union announced landmark rulings on two mechanisms that organizations rely upon for the transfer of personal data from the EU to other countries, including the United States.
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NY Commercial Division’s Rule on Technology-Assisted Review
The New York Commercial Division’s new Rule 11-e(f), which encourages the use of Technology-Assisted Review (TAR) and sets relevant guidelines, went into effect on October 1, 2018. In this video, litigation partners Chris Boehning and Liz Sacksteder (a member of the Commercial Division Advisory Council) discuss the rule and its expected impact.
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UK’s ICO Announces Significant Fines for GDPR Violations
On July 8 and 9, 2019, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – the data protection authority of the United Kingdom – announced its intention to levy substantial fines against two companies for violations of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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Federal E-Discovery: Court Quashes Non-Party Subpoena as Unduly Burdensome
Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column appeared in the February 3 issue of the New York Law Journal.
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