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Clients facing complex, high-value international business disputes are increasingly looking to international arbitration to resolve them. Paul, Weiss positions companies and investors to secure the most favorable decisions possible, drawing on our team’s experience and prowess as courtroom advocates, and a specialized knowledge of the major arbitration bodies’ rules and procedures.


Daniel Reich to Discuss International Arbitration in Space-Related Disputes at Columbia Arbitration Day

Litigation partner Daniel Reich, a member of the firm’s International Arbitration Group, will speak at Columbia Law School on a panel addressing the topic of “Arbitration and Outer Space,” as part of Columbia Arbitration Day 2025.

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Katherine Forrest Discusses Artificial Intelligence in Dispute Resolution With The International Arbitration Club of New York

On March 2, litigation partner Katherine Forrest led a discussion on “Artificial Intelligence and What Arbitrators Need to Know” as part of The International Arbitration Club of New York’s March 2023 meeting.

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Chris Boehning Discusses Best Practices for Cybersecurity in Arbitration at ICC Conference

Litigation partner Chris Boehning participated in a roundtable panel, “The Future of ICC Arbitration, Where Are We Headed?” as part of the International Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Arbitration Conference.

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Supreme Court Holds FAA Preempts California Prohibition on Waiver of Joint PAGA Claims

In Viking River Cruises v. Moriana, the Supreme Court held that a rule of California law that prohibits contractual waivers of claims under California’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) is invalid as applied to an employee plaintiff bringing an action on behalf of other employees.

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Supreme Court Grants Certiorari to Determine When Parties Can Obtain U.S.-Discovery in Aid of International Arbitrations

The U.S. Supreme Court has granted review in a case with broad ramifications for companies that routinely engage in international arbitration or may have documents responsive to matters involved in an international arbitration. 

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Chris Boehning Authors the North American Overview in ICLG’s International Arbitration Laws and Regulations 2020 Guide

Litigation partner Chris Boehning and former associate Teresa Akkara co-authored the “North American Overview” in the Expert Analysis section of the International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) to: International Arbitration Laws and Regulations 2020, published by the Global Legal Group Ltd., London.

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Supreme Court: New York Convention Doesn’t Bar Non-Signatories to an International Arbitration Agreement from Seeking to Compel Arbitration

In GE Energy Power Conversion France SAS v. Outokumpu Stainless USA, LLC, the Supreme Court held that the convention does not preclude a nonsignatory to an international arbitration agreement from seeking to compel arbitration.

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GDPR Issues In International Arbitration

Given the broad reach, complexity and comprehensiveness of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), parties to international arbitrations need to be particularly mindful of data protection issues raised throughout proceedings. We highlight relevant issues, recent developments and rules adopted to address the GDPR in arbitration, and discuss how parties in an international arbitration can manage the risks of GDPR compliance in the absence of clear guidance from the tribunal.

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Christopher Boehning Contributes Chapter to ICLG’s International Arbitration 2019 Guide

Litigation partner Christopher Boehning wrote the “North American Overview” chapter of The International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) to: International Arbitration 2019, published by the Global Legal Group Ltd., London.

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Christopher Boehning Participated in The Sedona Conference Working Group 6 Meeting on an International Arbitration Panel

On Wednesday, June 19 at The Sedona Conference Working Group 6 Meeting, Chris Boehning and a panel of WG6 drafting team members hosted a panel entitled International arbitration: Guidance beyond the International Principles on the first working draft of a Commentary to provide guidance to practitioners and arbitrators on best practices regarding cross-border discovery and disclosures in international arbitration matters.

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Jessica Carey Participated in Anticorruption Conference Hosted by ICC

On February 1, litigation partner Jessica Carey participated in a conference on anticorruption hosted by the International Chamber of Commerce at Universidad Panamerica in Mexico.

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