Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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These resources – like the public health crisis itself – are constantly evolving and are only current as to the date of publication. This page was last updated on August 24, 2020.
For more up-to-date information on the relief programs available in Illinois, we recommend that you visit the state's Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response portal.
Business-Related Relief Programs
CARES Act: Paycheck Protection Program
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) appropriates $349 billion to assist small businesses through section 7(a) loans and Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), administered by the Small Business Administration … » more information -
Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (“EIDLs”) provide working capital to help small business concerns, small agricultural cooperatives and aquaculture companies, and most private non-profit organizations (of all sizes) meet financial obligations that … » more information -
Business Interruption Grants Program
The Business Interruption Grants Program will provide $60 million to up to 3,500 businesses that experienced a limited ability to operate due to COVID-19-related closures. The first wave of grants will focus on small businesses located in … » more information -
Business Interruption Grants Program
The Business Interruption Grants Program will provide $60 million to up to 3,500 businesses that experienced a limited ability to operate due to COVID-19-related closures. The first wave of grants will focus on small businesses located in … » more information -
Chicago, Illinois: Small Business Resiliency Fund
In response to COVID-19, the City of Chicago has established a $100 million Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund to provide small businesses with emergency cash flow during this crisis. Funds will be provided to eligible businesses as low-interest … » more information -
Delay of State Income Tax Filing Deadline
In light of COVID-19, the Illinois Department of Revenue has extended the deadline to file state income tax returns to July 15, 2020. » more information -
Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program
In light of COVID-19, the Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program will offer small businesses of up to 50 employees located in downstate and rural counties the opportunity to partner with their local governments to obtain grants of up to … » more information -
Immunity from Civil Liability for Health Care Facilities, Health Care Professionals, & Health Care Volunteers
The Governor of Illinois has issued an executive order granting immunity from civil liability to health care facilities, health care professionals, and health care volunteers for any injury or death that occurred when they were engaged in the course … » more information -
Low Rate Business Loans for Small Businesses through Business Invest
Through the Business Invest program, the Illinois State Treasurer has made up to $500 million in deposits available to banks and credit unions throughout Illinois, at near-zero rates, to provide loans to Illinois small businesses and non-profits … » more information -
Moratorium on Non-Residential Evictions
In light of the spread of COVID-19, the Illinois Governor has ordered that all state, county, and local law enforcement officers must cease enforcement of orders of eviction for non-residential premises. » more information
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