Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Employment-Related Relief Programs
Workers’ Compensation Claims and Policy Processing
For both injured workers and employers, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) has suspended several requirements, extended certain deadlines, and issued guidance for individuals that contract COVID-19 in the course of their employment. » more information -
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Unemployed workers affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for benefits under already-existing Oklahoma unemployment insurance, which provides temporary income for workers who have experienced a loss of work due to no fault of their own when suitable … » more information -
Sick Leave
Oregon law requires employers to give employees at least one hour of job-protected sick time (time off work) for every 30 hours worked. The sick time may be used in case of illness, illness of a family member, doctor’s visits, or if a child’s school … » more information -
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits are generally available to individuals who have been separated from employment through no fault of their own and are looking for other work. The Oregon Employment Department may provide UI benefits to those who … » more information -
Unpaid Protected Leave Under the Family Leave Act (OFLA)
The Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) requires employers of 25 or more employees to provide eligible workers with unpaid, job-protected leave to care for themselves or family members in cases of death, illness, injury, childbirth, adoption and foster … » more information -
Work Share Oregon for Employers
The Work Share program allows employees to receive a portion of the unemployment benefits to which they would be entitled if laid off while still working reduced hours. Employers who apply for the program may divide available work among a group of … » more information -
Pennsylvania Rapid Response Services for Employers
Pennsylvania offers Rapid Response Services to provide assistance to businesses that are forced to conduct layoffs or close temporarily or that are financially at risk for permanent closure. The Rapid Response team works with participating employers … » more information -
Pennsylvania Shared-Work Program for Employers
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania offers a Shared-Work Program to provide businesses with a tool to help avoid employee layoffs. The program allows an employer covered by a Shared-Work plan to temporarily reduce employees’ hours and divide available … » more information -
Unemployment Compensation Program
Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation Program provides temporary wage replacement income to eligible individuals during periods of unemployment or partial employment. Program applicants must be unemployed through no fault of their own in order to … » more information -
Waiver of Active-Search Requirements Associated with Unemployment Compensation Program
Typically, to be eligible for unemployment compensation benefits in Pennsylvania, claimants must register for employment-search services provided by the Commonwealth and actively search for work during every week for which they seek benefits. Both … » more information