Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Employment-Related Relief Programs
Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth, Minnesota: Sick and Safe Time Ordinance
Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth’s existing Sick and Safe Time Ordinances protect an employee’s time off work. The three jurisdictions have different requirements for which employers must provide sick and safe time, and Minneapolis and Duluth have … » more information -
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Cash Benefit Program
Mississippi provides cash benefits through its Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to eligible families. The benefits are limited to 60 months in a participant’s lifetime. The state is in the process of making TANF available to families … » more information -
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Unemployed workers affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for benefits under already-existing Mississippi unemployment insurance, which provides temporary income for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own and who are either looking … » more information -
CARES Act Coworking and Incubator Grant Program
The Department of Economic Development, under the CARES Act, established the Coworking and Incubator Grant Program providing grants to participating Missouri based Coworking and Incubator facilities to cover costs associated with COVID-19 related … » more information -
Guidance Regarding Missouri’s Economic Reopening
The Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services issued the Economic Reopening Health Order. The guidelines are summarized below, though businesses and individuals should check for any additional city or county restrictions. In the … » more information -
Guidance Regarding Missouri’s Economic Reopening
As of June 16, 2020 Missouri has entered Phase 2 of its “Show Me String Recovery Plan” and has fully reopened. During Phase 2, there is no statewide health order. All statewide restrictions have been lifted and all businesses are fully reopen … » more information -
PPE Production Grant Program
The Missouri Department of Economic Development has established the PPE Production Grant Program, which uses $20 million in funding under the CARES Act to foster increased manufacturing of personal protective equipment (PPE). » more information -
Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Program
The Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Program is an alternative to layoffs for employers faced with a reduction in available work. It allows an employer to divide the available work among a specified group of affected employees instead of a … » more information -
Waivers of Certain Unemployment Eligibility Requirements
Missouri provides unemployment benefits, in the form of a weekly check, to individuals who have become unemployed through no fault of their own. Generally, receipt of unemployment benefits is contingent on the unemployed individual searching for new … » more information -
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Unemployed workers affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for benefits under already-existing Montana unemployment insurance, which provides temporary income for workers who are unemployed. Emergency rules that went into effect on March 17, 2020 … » more information