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Found 1682 programs for:
Food-Related Relief Programs
Waiver of “Minimum Stocking Requirements” for WIC Vendors
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a federally-funded health and nutrition program that predates COVID-19, but can be used by eligible participants at this time. There are 83 WIC agencies in … » more information -
Waiver of Eligibility Re-Determinations for Medi-Cal; CalFresh; CalWORKs; Cash Assistance for Immigrants; In-Home Supportive Service
On March 18, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20. The order temporarily suspends the application of any state law that would require the re-determination of eligibility for benefits for individuals currently receiving services … » more information -
Anaheim, California and Anaheim-Area School District: Meals for Students
Several Anaheim area school districts are offering meals for students, including Anaheim Elementary School District, Magnolia School District, Orange Unified School District, and Savanna School District. Eligibility requirements, hours of operation, … » more information -
‘Great Plates Delivered’ Meal Delivery Initiative
LA County is participating in California’s ‘Great Plates Delivered’ initiative, and will provide three home-delivered meals a day to qualifying adults who apply and are either over 65, or aged 60-64 and in a high-risk group as defined by the CDC. » more information -
‘Great Plates Delivered’ Meal Delivery Initiative to Support Seniors and Local Restaurants
Riverside County is participating in California’s ‘Great Plates Delivered’ initiative to provide three free home-delivered meals from local restaurants to qualifying seniors. Seniors can apply to participate in the program here. » more information -
County of Riverside: Free Meals for Seniors
The Riverside County Office on Aging, the Janet Goeske Foundation, and Sodexo are providing free frozen meals to Riverside County seniors over 60 years of age. » more information -
Student Meals Program
Due to the school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hayward Unified School District is serving free meals to students on weekdays between 11 a.m. and noon through at least June 11, 2020. Students may receive both breakfast and lunch … » more information -
‘Great Plates Delivered’ Meal Delivery Initiative to Support Seniors and Local Restaurants
The City of Long Beach is participating in California’s “Great Plates Delivered” initiative and will provide up to three home-delivered meals a day to qualifying adults who apply and are either 65 and over, or aged 60-64 and in a high-risk group for … » more information -
Summer Food Service Program For Children and Youth
The City of Long Beach will offer the United States Department of Agriculture Summer Food Service Program to provide free, nutritious meals to Long Beach children and youth throughout the summer months. » more information -
Critical Delivery Service for Seniors and People With Disabilities
The County of Los Angeles has launched “Critical Delivery Service,” a free delivery service for seniors and people with disabilities. The service will pick up and deliver groceries, household items, and other vital necessities to these vulnerable … » more information