Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Employment-Related Relief Programs
COVID-19 Relief Package – Temporary Suspension of Utility Cut-Offs, Distribution of Sanitation Resources, Small Business Loans, and Homelessness Assistance
The Sacramento City Council has passed a COVID-19 relief package containing programs to assist individuals and small businesses with a variety of measures. » more information -
City of Sacramento, California: Job Protection Hotline for Sacramento Workers
The City of Sacramento, in partnership with the Sacramento Central Labor Council and the Center for Workers’ Rights, has established the Coronavirus Job Protection hotline. » more information -
Early Access to Vacation and Paid Sick Leave for City Employees
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, employees of the City of San Francisco who are impacted by COVID-19 will have early access to their vacation time and paid sick leave. If an employee has exhausted his or her existing leave, including vacation … » more information -
Paid Sick Leave Ordinance
San Francisco’s Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (PSLO) requires employers to provide paid sick leave to all employees who perform work in San Francisco. Employees earn one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Employers with 10 or more … » more information -
San Francisco: Paid Sick Leave Expansion (Workers and Families First)
The City of San Francisco announced the Worker and Families First Program to provide $10 million in public funding to businesses for providing five additional days of sick leave pay to workers beyond their existing policies in which the City … » more information -
Suspension of Certain Requirements for Teaching Credentials
The California Office of the Governor has modified certain requirements for individuals seeking to obtain teaching or school administrator credentials during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, individuals otherwise eligible to enroll in … » more information -
Application of State Unemployment Benefits to Workers During Temporary COVID-19-related Business Closures
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) provides an established program of unemployment benefits and resources for state residents. Those benefits and resources are also available to employees during temporary closures as a result of … » more information -
Colorado Works Cash Benefits Assistance Program (TANF)
Colorado Works is Colorado's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. It is a cash assistance program designed to assist eligible families with very low incomes to attain economic security by promoting job preparation, work, and … » more information -
Health Emergency Leave With Pay (HELP)
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) has issued emergency rules that temporarily require employers in certain industries to provide four calendar days of paid sick leave to employees with flu-like symptoms while awaiting COVID-19 … » more information -
Health Emergency Leave With Pay (HELP)
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) has issued emergency rules that temporarily require employers in certain industries to provide four calendar days of paid sick leave to employees with flu-like symptoms while awaiting COVID-19 … » more information