Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Food-Related Relief Programs
Phased Reopening of Workplaces
The Governor has issued Executive Orders that will begin a phased reopening of businesses and other organizations. Massachusetts is currently in Step 1 of Phase III of the reopening plan. At this time, Phase-I; Phase-II; and Phase-III, Step-1 … » more information -
Protecting Nursery, Greenhouse, Garden Centers, and Agriculture Supply Store Employees and the Public from Exposure to COVID-19
Nurseries, greenhouses, garden centers, and agriculture supply stores are required to implement measures to protect the health and welfare of the public while remaining open during the Governor’s declared State of Emergency. These measures include … » more information -
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) provides a monthly benefit to buy nutritious foods. These offerings were previously in place, and have not changed in response to COVID-19. » more information -
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Assistance
WIC is a food assistance program for women, infants, and young children. WIC provides checks to buy healthy foods, and also provides information about nutrition, health, and breastfeeding. The WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program provides coupons to … » more information -
Continuation of Free Meal Programs for Students in the Boston Public School System
The City of Boston, in partnership with various community organizations, will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch meals at various locations and times across the City. All pick-up sites are set up to be “grab and go.” … » more information -
Meals for Seniors Through Home Delivery and Pick Up Service
Michigan received additional federal dollars to fund programs available to Michigan senior residents that provide meals through home delivery and pick up services during the COVID-19 pandemic. » more information -
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) predates COVID-19, but can be used by eligible participants at this time, including those affected by COVID-19. » more information -
Supplemental Nutrition Food Assistance Program (SNAP)
Michigan’s Food Assistance Program (FAP), which is part of the Supplemental Nutrition Food Assistance Program (SNAP), provides food assistance to eligible low income households and individuals. SNAP predates COVID-19 and households that previously … » more information -
Unanticipated School Closure Summer Food Program (SFSP)
Because of school closures due to COVID-19, Michigan’s Unanticipated School Closure Summer Food Service Program, which offers up to two free meals a day to eligible students, is operating at hundreds of location sites across the state. The Michigan … » more information -
Free Frozen Meals for Seniors
The Detroit Area Agency on Aging is providing frozen meals for seniors ages 60 and up. Seniors can pick up five days’ worth of meals at the following designated recreation centers: … » more information