Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Food-Related Relief Programs
COVID-19 Recovery Website
The state launched the new and comprehensive website for resources regarding COVID-19. The site, is a centralized place for Kansans seeking resources and up-to-date information, as the state responds to, and recovers from damage done by the COVID-19 … » more information -
Free Meals for Kids
Most Kansas school districts are offering free “grab and go” drive through breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner meals for students (and in many cases, students do not need to be enrolled at the specific school or live in the specific district at which … » more information -
Securing Local Food Systems Grants
The Kansas Securing Local Food Systems grant program was created to support Kansas meat processing facilities, food processors, food banks, local direct-to-consumer producers and retail outlets to address food for human consumption supply chain … » more information -
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Food Payment (“SNAP”) Benefits
SNAP provides payment assistance to individuals and families struggling to afford food at supermarkets, grocery stores, and farmers markets. Although there is no specific provision related to COVID-19, individuals and families may be eligible if … » more information -
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (“TEFAP”)
TEFAP provides free USDA commodity foods to low-income households throughout Kansas. TEFAP food is shipped five to six times per year to participating organizations for distribution, which organizations then determine when and how often food is … » more information -
Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program (“WIC”)
WIC is a nutrition program for women, infants, and young children that provides nutrition and health education, healthy food and other services. WIC’s goal is to help keep pregnant and breastfeeding women, new moms, and kids under age 5 healthy. » more information -
Good Neighbor Program For Delivery of Essential Food Items
The Good Neighbor Program assists the elderly, handicapped, and vulnerable citizens of Shawnee County with the delivery of essential food items. The Good Neighbor Program will allow those citizens to utilize the Sheriff’s Office to pick up essential … » more information -
Emergency Food Benefit (Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program) For Families With Students Receiving Free or Reduced Price School Meals
Beginning May 23, Kentucky families with students who normally receive free or reduced-price meals at school may get financial assistance to replace those meals through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer … » more information -
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
The WIC Program provides supplemental foods, nutrition education and referrals to healthcare, at no cost, to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are determined to be at nutritional risk. To … » more information -
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or Formerly Food Stamps)
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, helps low-income people buy food for healthy meals at participating stores. SNAP benefits increase household food buying power when added to the household's income. … » more information