Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Food-Related Relief Programs
Free Meals During School Closures
Due to the school closures necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Orange County school districts are making plans to offer grab-and-go meals to students impacted by school closures. Start dates, sites and service hours will vary. People are advised … » more information -
‘Great Plates Delivered’ Meal Delivery Initiative to Support Seniors and Local Restaurants
The City of Pasadena is participating in California’s “Great Plates Delivered” initiative and will provide up to three home-delivered meals a day to qualifying adults who apply and are either 65 and over, or aged 60-64 and in a high-risk group for … » more information -
Grab-And-Go Meal Program
Pasadena Unified School District is distributing free pre-packaged, nutritious grab-and-go breakfast and lunch to students 18 years old and under at school sites across Pasadena. » more information -
Sacramento, California Area: School Meals
Five Sacramento-area school districts—Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD), Natomas Unified School District (NUSD), Robla School District, Twin Rivers Unified School District and Elk Grove United School District (EGUSD)—are offering free … » more information -
County of San Diego, California: ‘Great Plates Delivered’ Meal Delivery Initiative
San Diego County is participating in California’s “Great Plates Delivered” initiative and will provide three home-delivered meals per day to qualifying adults who apply and are either 65 or over, or aged 60 to 64 and in a high-risk group for … » more information -
Meals for Students
School districts within San Diego County have identified school sites where students may go to receive meals. Eligibility requirements, hours of operation, and food availability vary by school district. Please see the link below for summer schedules. » more information -
Free Meals During School Closures
The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) is providing free breakfast, lunch, and supper to all children 18 and younger during COVID-19-related school closures. » more information -
San Jose Unified School District Meal Pickup Service
During school closures, the San Jose Unified School District (SJUSD) will provide free “grab and go” meals for students. Every weekday while schools are closed for the COVID-19 crisis, students may pick up breakfast and lunch from one of several … » more information -
Emergency Measures
The City of Santa Ana enacted a wide range of emergency relief measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including: … » more information -
Free Meals During School Closures
The Santa Ana Unified School District is offering free “grab and go” meals during school closures to children ages 1-18. Breakfast and lunch will be provided from Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM in non-congregate settings at 13 … » more information