Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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Found 1682 programs for:
Employment-Related Relief Programs
Jewish Community Services of South Florida Helpline
During the COVID-19 outbreak, Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS), a human service agency within the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, is providing a 24/7 emergency helpline to assist those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By … » more information -
Greater Miami Jewish Federation
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Hebrew Free Loan Association of Miami is providing interest-free “Emergency Coronavirus Financial Impact” loans of up to $3000 to qualified Jewish borrowers in Miami-Dade County to help with expenses such as … » more information -
Georgia Mountain Food Bank
During the COVID-19 outbreak, the Georgia Mountain Food Bank is continuing to partner with food pantries to provide emergency food assistance in Hall County. » more information -
St. Anne Catholic Church Outreach
During the COVID-19 outbreak, St. Anne Community Outreach is continuing to provide grocery distribution and rent and utility assistance to residents of Muscogee County in need. » more information -
During the COVID-19 outbreak, The ARK is continuing to offer monthly food packages to Jewish individuals in Chicagoland who are in need. Additionally, The ARK is providing financial assistance, medical services, and employment services upon request. » more information
Food-Related Relief Programs
COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response Act
The COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response Act (the “CNRA”) enables the Secretary of Agriculture to waive conditions that states, schools, and individuals must meet to be eligible for financial support for federal nutrition programs. » more information -
Food and Nutrition Service
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “FFCRA”) makes appropriations to the Department of Agriculture to fund food and nutrition assistance programs. » more information -
SNAP COVID-19 Response Waivers
This section of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “FFCRA”) makes it easier to obtain nutritional assistance. The Act lifts certain requirements for low-income, unemployed individuals to be eligible for Supplemental Nutrition … » more information -
The Maintaining Essential Access to Lunch for Students (MEALS) Act
The Maintaining Essential Access to Lunch for Students Act (the “MEALS Act”) seeks to ensure students have access to school meal benefits while schools are closed because of COVID-19. Enacted as part of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act … » more information -
Guidance Regarding Reopening Restaurants, Athletic Facilities, Retailers, Entertainment Venues and Close Contact Service Providers
If no countervailing city or county restrictions apply, by executive order of the governor, restaurants, athletic facilities, retailers, entertainment venues and close contact service providers (barber shops, salons, spas, tattoo parlors and massage … » more information