Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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These resources – like the public health crisis itself – are constantly evolving and are only current as to the date of publication. This page was last updated on September 18, 2020.
For more up-to-date information on the relief programs available in Louisiana, we recommend that you visit the state's COVID-19 Resources or Louisiana Economic Development's Resources for Impacted Businesses.
Description of Program and Relief
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (“WIC”)
This preexisting program provides supplemental foods, nutrition education, and referrals to health care for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are determined to be at nutritional risk.
While no specific guidance has been provided for those affected by COVID-19, individuals and families adversely impacted by COVID-19 should be eligible if they meet general eligibility requirements.
Government or Lead Agency
Louisiana Department of Health
Dates Available
Available now. In-person appointment requirement is waived through May 31, 2020.
Eligibility Requirements/Restrictions
To be fully eligible for the WIC program, applicants must be determined by a health professional, at no cost, to be at nutritional risk (i.e. have certain medical-based or diet-based risk conditions). Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, applicants need not schedule an in-person appointment. However, a Competent Professional Authority must still attempt to assess nutritional risk based on the information available through online communication and/or referral data.
To qualify, one must be:
1) A resident of the State of Louisiana and provide proof of residency;
2) A pregnant, breastfeeding, and/or postpartum woman; or an infant or child up to five years of age;
3) Individually determined by a health professional to be at nutritional risk; and
Note: people already enrolled in Medicaid or receiving SNAP or TANF benefits already meet the income guidelines for WIC.
Application Deadlines (If Applicable)
Contact for More Information
For more information, please call (800) 251-2229.
List of Additional Information
© 2021 Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. This does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. In some jurisdictions, this publication may be considered attorney advertising. Past representations are no guarantee of future outcomes.