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Paul, Weiss is committed to providing impactful pro bono legal assistance to individuals and organizations in need. Our program is all-encompassing, spanning the core issues facing our society.

Paul, Weiss Obtains New Sentence for Pro Bono Client

On February 21, Paul, Weiss and the Legal Aid Society reached a settlement with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office in which the DA agreed to consent to the resentencing of our client pursuant to the 2009 Drug Law Reform Act.

In 2003, our client pled guilty to the criminal sale of a controlled substance. Paul, Weiss initially filed a petition for resentencing in 2010. The Supreme Court denied that petition on the basis that our client was not eligible for resentencing because he had been paroled and returned to prison for violating the terms of his parole.

Paul, Weiss appealed the Supreme Court's decision and, due to the Court of Appeals' reversal of two Appellate Division holdings on parole violator eligibility, the First Department remanded the case for reconsideration. After filing an updated petition, Paul, Weiss negotiated a new sentence with the DA that led to our client's release on March 13.

The Paul, Weiss team included litigation partner David Brown, associates Nick Kelman and Josh Kobrin.

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