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Paul, Weiss Hosts Deferred Action Clinic for Noncitizen Workers in Homeland Security Labor Law Enforcement Initiative

In partnership with Make the Road New York, Paul, Weiss assisted noncitizen workers in applying for immigration relief through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Deferred Action Labor Enforcement (DALE) initiative. DALE confers temporary protection from deportation to noncitizen workers who provide assistance in government investigations into labor law violations like wage theft, workplace safety, labor rights and other laws and standards. DALE was created in recognition of the fact that noncitizen workers are particularly susceptible to workplace abuses and that labor law enforcement is enhanced through the participation of noncitizen workers who might otherwise remain silent for fear of deportation.

In this initial clinic, we helped nine clients navigate the DALE application process. More DALE clinics are being planned for this summer and fall.

The Paul, Weiss team included executive compensation associate Sofya Bakradze and litigation associates Claire Lisker, Leah Park, Erica Paul and Andrew Weiss. The clinic was coordinated by pro bono attorney Jeremy Benjamin.

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