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Paul, Weiss is committed to providing impactful pro bono legal assistance to individuals and organizations in need. Our program is all-encompassing, spanning the core issues facing our society.

Paul, Weiss Achieves Victory for Pro Bono Client

Paul, Weiss obtained relief from a student loan for a pro bono client who had been wrongfully convicted of murder and served 26 years in prison before he was released after evidence proving his innocence came to light. After the man's release from prison he learned that an unpaid student loan issued shortly before his arrest had incurred thousands of dollars of interest.

Litigation associates Hannah Sholl and Lindsey Weinstock petitioned the Department of Education, on behalf of the client, to forgive the debt due to the unique circumstances of his case. On July 16, the Department of Education agreed to cancel the entire loan, including interest, penalties and fees.

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