Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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- Relief Center
- Federal
- New York State
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Other States
- Alabama
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- Arkansas
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- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
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- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Charitable

These resources – like the public health crisis itself – are constantly evolving and are only current as to the date of publication. This page was last updated on September 9, 2020.
For more up-to-date information on the relief programs available in Virginia, we recommend that you visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Virginia portal, the Virginia Chamber of Commerce's State Resources list or the USDA's COVID-19 Waivers & Flexibilities for Virginia.
Description of Program and Relief
Emergency Temporary Standard – Workplace Safety Standards for COVID-19 Pandemic
Virginia adopted statewide emergency workplace safety standards in response to the COVID-19 pandemic mandating certain personal protective equipment, sanitation, social distancing, infectious disease preparedness and response plans, record keeping, training, and hazard communications in workplaces across the Commonwealth. The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry’s Safety and Health Codes Board approved this emergency temporary standard (ETS), which will remain in effect for six months and can be made permanent under a process set forth in state law. Training and outreach products are being developed and will be made available to covered employers, employees, and the general public as soon as they are available.
Government or Lead Agency
Office of the Virginia Governor
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
Dates Available
The ETS will take immediate effect upon publication in a newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Richmond, Virginia, which is expected to occur the week of July 27, 2020.
Eligibility Requirements/Restrictions
Application Deadlines (If Applicable)
Contact for More Information
List of Additional Information
© 2021 Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. This does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. In some jurisdictions, this publication may be considered attorney advertising. Past representations are no guarantee of future outcomes.