Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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These resources – like the public health crisis itself – are constantly evolving and are only current as to the date of publication. This page was last updated on September 25, 2020.
For more up-to-date information on the relief programs available in California, we recommend that you visit the Secretary of State's website or the California COVID-19 portal.
Business-Related Relief Programs
CARES Act: Paycheck Protection Program
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) appropriates $349 billion to assist small businesses through section 7(a) loans and Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), administered by the Small Business Administration … » more information -
Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (“EIDLs”) provide working capital to help small business concerns, small agricultural cooperatives and aquaculture companies, and most private non-profit organizations (of all sizes) meet financial obligations that … » more information -
City of Sacramento, California: Free Masks Available to Sacramento Businesses
The City of Sacramento is distributing masks provided by the California Department of Public Health to businesses in Sacramento. There are approximately 50,000 masks available. Mask pick-ups are available by appointment at the Coloma Community … » more information -
County of Riverside, California: Assistance for Residential Renters
Riverside County, in partnership with the United Way of the Inland Valleys and Lift to Rise, has established a program to provide financial assistance to renters. The program will distribute $33 million in rental assistance between the months of … » more information -
Disability Insurance
As part of its ongoing state benefits programs for workers, the State of California provides disability insurance to those who are unable to work due to non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. This disability insurance program provides … » more information -
Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee Program
The Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee Program predates COVID-19, but can be used by California-area small businesses to obtain disaster-related relief during this time. The program provides loan guarantees and direct loans to California-area small … » more information -
DMV Temporary Permit Extensions
Governor Gavin Newsom has extended the expiration dates for temporary drivers’ permits by an additional sixty days from the first sixty-day extension. The first sixty day extension applied an additional sixty days to temporary permits with … » more information -
Extension of Real Estate Licensing Requirements
As a part of special COVID-19 relief measures, Governor Gavin Newsom has issued Executive Order N-52-20, which, among other things, extends licensing and continuing education deadlines for Real Estate professionals. Under the terms of the order: … » more information -
Great Plates Delivered – Free Home Meals for Seniors
Great Plates Delivered is a state-wide program that, in partnership with local restaurants, will provide three free hot meals a day to older Californians who are isolating at home and are ineligible for other nutrition programs. The program will … » more information -
Guidance Regarding Reopening
On April 28, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the Resilience Roadmap, a four-stage plan for reopening California. Stage 1 was governed by the statewide stay-at-home order, which went into effect on March 19, 2020. Stage 2 allows lower-risk … » more information
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