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Paul, Weiss Files Amicus Brief in Consolidated Partisan Gerrymandering Cases Before the Supreme Court

Paul, Weiss filed an amicus curiae brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm two federal district court decisions that invalidated legislative redistricting plans in North Carolina and Maryland as unconstitutional partisan gerrymandering.

The Paul, Weiss brief, submitted on behalf of the American Jewish Committee, applies First Amendment principles and argues that partisan gerrymanders subvert the public expectation that the government will be accountable to the people and interfere with the political marketplace of ideas. In particular, the amicus identifies the Anderson v. Celebrezze test as particularly well-suited for the context-specific analysis required to distinguish between valid redistricting and partisan gerrymandering intended to burden opposing political viewpoints.

The Paul, Weiss team included litigation partner Richard Rosen, counsel Peter Sandel and associates Elizabeth Grossman, Melina Meneguin Layerenza and Teresa Akkara.

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