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Our team advises U.S. and non-U.S. clients across industries on their most sensitive U.S. economic sanctions and Bank Secrecy Act/anti-money laundering (BSA/AML) issues. With our preeminent regulatory defense and white collar experience, we are uniquely positioned to assist clients in responding to regulator inquiries, examinations and subpoenas; conducting internal investigations; and handling matters that develop into multi-agency civil and criminal investigations. Our practice also encompasses regulatory advice, compliance counseling and transactional due diligence. 

Roberto Gonzalez to Moderate Regulators Panel at IIB Annual AML Conference

Economic Sanctions & AML Co-Chair Roberto Gonzalez will moderate a discussion by banking regulators of AML supervisory trends and regulatory expectations. The panel, “Regulators’ Outlook: Trends and Expectations for AML Professionals,” is part of the Institute of International Bankers’ Anti-Money Laundering Conference.

The annual conference brings together international bankers, their legal and compliance advisors and federal and state regulators on recent developments in the AML space.

Roberto’s panel will take place in New York on October 22 at 8:35 a.m. ET.

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