Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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These resources – like the public health crisis itself – are constantly evolving and are only current as to the date of publication. This page was last updated on May 20, 2020.
For more up-to-date information on the relief programs available in Maine, we recommend that you visit the state's COVID-19 Response website.
Description of Program and Relief
Reopening Plan
Governor Mills has announced a reopening plan to restart Maine’s economy. The plan establishes four gradual stages of reopening with the goal of complete reopening by the end of August 2020. Businesses should check for any additional local or county restrictions or guidelines prior to reopening.
The first stage contemplates a continued prohibition of gathers of over 10 people and continued quarantine of people entering Maine for 14 days. Starting at the beginning of May, all drive-in theaters, health care from Maine licensed providers, golf courses and disc golf courses, guided outdoor activities (hunting, fishing), guided boating (10 or fewer customers), marinas, state parks and historic sites (but coastal sites remain closed), state owned public lands trails, barber shops and hair salons, outdoor fitness classes of fewer than 10 people, limited drive-in church services, auto dealership, car washes across all counties of Maine may open provided that they follow enhanced safety precautions. On May 11, rural businesses in Aroostoock, Piscataquis, Washington, Hancock, Somerset, Franklin, Oxford, Kennebec, Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc counties may open provided that they follow enhanced safety precautions. On May 18, restaurants in the same counties may open provided that they follow enhanced safety precautions. In addition, wilderness campsite and sporting camps across all counties may open.
Starting in June, prohibitions are continued for gatherings of over 50 people and the 14-day quarantine on people entering Maine. Employees in legal and professional fields may return to offices. In addition, large gatherings, religious gatherings, public/community gatherings, restaurants, lodgings (open to Maine residents and out-of-state residents who have completed quarantine guidelines), campgrounds, day camps for children, state park campgrounds, coastal state parks, non-professional sports, fitness and exercise gyms, nail technicians, tanning salons, and all retail businesses are proposed to be open following enhanced safety precautions.
In July and August, the state will maintain the prohibition on gatherings over 50 people and the 14-day quarantine while opening additional businesses. Bars, all lodging, charter boats, summer camps, spas, tattoo parlors, massage facilities, cosmetologists, electrolysis services, and laser hair removal services will reopen provided that they follow enhanced safety precautions.
Government or Lead Agency
Office of the Governor of Maine.
Dates Available
Effective immediately and updating throughout the months of May, June, July, and August 2020.
Eligibility Requirements/Restrictions
Businesses should check for any additional local or county restrictions or guidelines prior to reopening.
All drive-in theaters, health care from Maine licensed providers, golf courses and disc golf courses, guided outdoor activities (hunting, fishing), guided boating (10 or fewer customers), marinas, state parks and historic sites (but coastal sites remain closed), state owned public lands trails, barber shops and hair salons, outdoor fitness classes of fewer than 10 people, limited drive-in church services, auto dealership, car washes, wilderness campsites and sporting camps across all counties of Maine.
Retail business, restaurants (for dine-in service and outdoor dining) in Aroostoock, Piscataquis, Washington, Hancock, Somerset, Franklin, Oxford, Kennebec, Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc counties.
Application Deadlines (If Applicable)
Contact for More Information
List of Additional Information
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© 2021 Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. This does not constitute legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. In some jurisdictions, this publication may be considered attorney advertising. Past representations are no guarantee of future outcomes.