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Marking Thirty Years in Tokyo

April 19, 2018

In 1987, Japan first permitted foreign lawyers (gaikokuhō jimu bengoshi — foreign law consultants also known as gaiben) to practice in Japan. As part of the first wave of international firms to launch in Japan, Paul, Weiss opened its Tokyo office in October 1987.

At the Tokyo office opening reception in 1987

In October 2017, Paul, Weiss’s Tokyo office celebrated a milestone: 30 years of service to prominent clients in Japan. Joining the festivities were many of the people who have made our Tokyo practice a source of pride to the firm.

Joining Tokyo partners Kaye Yoshino and Tong Yu for the firm celebrations were U.S. partners Mike Gertzman, co-chair of the Litigation Department; Alex Oh, co-chair of the Anti-Corruption and FCPA practice group; Rick Rule, co-chair of the Antitrust group; and Marc Perlmutter, Of Counsel in the Corporate Department and one of the original group of Paul, Weiss Tokyo lawyers. More than 200 clients and friends of the firm attended the anniversary reception, held on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. Reflecting on the strong ties our Tokyo office has forged with clients, Kaye Yoshino noted that “the clients who made a point to come and stay and celebrate made us appreciate how many clients are truly friends and how deep the firm’s relationships are.”

More then 200 clients and friends of the firm attended the anniversary reception.

The following evening, more than 30 firm alumni resident in Japan joined current Paul, Weiss lawyers for a dinner at the Palace Hotel in Tokyo. Many of the attendees participated in the firm’s Visiting Lawyers Program, from as far back as 1983 to as recently as 2016. “For me, it was like a true home-coming after more than thirty years,” noted Paul, Weiss alumnus Kazuo Ohtake (PW 1983), now at Japanese law firm Nagashima Ohno. “I was so glad to see many familiar faces, and the magic of the Paul, Weiss network enabled me to make friends with others instantaneously. I am particularly grateful to Marc and Toby [Myerson (PW 1983)] for making themselves available and making the event all the more memorable.” Echoing this sentiment, Tong Yu noted that “the strength of Paul, Weiss’s Alumni Network is incredible. Our attorneys forge personal and professional relationships when they are at Paul, Weiss, and those relationships continue to grow after they leave the firm.”

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