We are fortunate to advise world-class, industry-leading companies, helping them tackle novel, complex issues and push the boundaries of technological progress. Our ability and confidence to go to trial is our core strength; our deep bench of experienced trial lawyers represents companies in their most significant matters, helping them protect their intellectual property and launch products. Our lawyers pair extensive experience in the courtroom and the boardroom with a thorough understanding of science and technology.
Intellectual Property Litigation: SCOTUS to Decide Copyrightability of Georgia Code Annotations
September 12, 2019 Download PDF
Litigation partners Lewis Clayton’s latest intellectual property litigation column, “SCOTUS to Decide Copyrightability of Georgia Code Annotations,” appeared in the September 11 issue of the New York Law Journal. The article focuses on a Supreme Court case that will decide whether the “government edicts” doctrine precludes Georgia from copyrighting the annotations in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. The court's holding has the potential to affect not only the state of Georgia, but the 20 other states that have registered copyrights in all or part of their state codes, and may have implications for the copyright status of other government-approved works. Litigation associate Michael Milea assisted in the preparation of this article.