In litigations and investigations, e-discovery is a critical component of strategy and fact development. Businesses that give it short shrift do so at their peril. Paul, Weiss has achieved a reputation for unparalleled excellence in litigation and investigations; our e-discovery efforts are an integral part of this success.
Federal E-Discovery: FRCP Amendments Take Effect, Impacting E-Discovery Practice
December 1, 2015 download PDF
Litigation partners Christopher Boehning and Daniel Toal's Federal E-discovery column appeared in the December 1 issue of the New York Law Journal. The article, "FRCP Amendments Take Effect, Impacting E-Discovery Practice," discusses the long-anticipated amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), which came into effect December 1 and aim to address high impact issues in e-discovery practice, including the skyrocketing costs of e-discovery and the existing circuit split over the standard for sanctions for failure to preserve electronically stored information.